4 ways to protect your armored doors from burglars

A security door keeps thieves away Armored doors, 4 ways to protect your security doors from thieves without letting them even start the break-in. What kind of lock can I put on my armor door to keep it from breaking in? First you need to upgrade your passive security systems instead of looking for a shortcut by installing an alarm or video surveillance system, which are useful but are not the completion of your home security system. Here’s how to reinforce your armored front doors with secure locks made up of 4 essential elements for your home security. All of this content correlates with the fact that people are afraid of thieves and of being robbed. The fear of thieves does not exist derives from personality disorder, man is naturally afraid but it must be managed in the best way. If the approach to the fear of theft does not start from these principles we are talking about nothing. How an armored security lock works and what are the 4 strengths to ensure maximum security against break-ins: How Does Safe Lock Work, find the article here. The most important thing you need to know about changing armored locks For the safety of your home you need to know this: leave with knowing who to call to change the lock, find the article here. Guarda questo video su YouTube

How Does Safe Lock Work

The security lock for your home or office is a device that should never be missing How Does Safe Lock Work and locksmith advices: Basic locks are easy to break, this is the real weak point of home security Safe locks are used in homes, offices, and other buildings to prevent theft. They’re also useful for keeping valuables secure when you’re away. The best security lock is the one that is inserted into a high quality handcrafted armored door, here are its 4 strengths. The objective quality of an armored door and its steel heart, the safety lock; the locking block should in fact be a European cylinder lock that clicks and locks in front of any attempted break-in with or without burglary. The purposes of How Does Safe Lock Work A real security lock will not open with thieves’ keys, that is, with Bulgarian keys. This means that an intruder will not be able to enter your home. When a locksmith installs a new lock for you, always make sure that he opens the security seal and key custody in front of your eyes, so as to eliminate the suspicion that a copy of the new keys may have been withheld. In this sense, to have strong quality guarantees on the installation service of a safety lock, it is advisable to call an expert technician who possibly has excellent references and reviews on his company profile. A security lock is first and foremost a good quality, branded mechanical locking mechanism that uses physical keys to open and close doors. It is much more difficult to choose, guarantee and carry out periodic maintenance on an electronic lock, which is why many families still choose the traditional solution, which does not connect to the smartphone, to the internet, and preserves the person’s privacy intact. Those who live in Anglo-Saxon countries, such as England, the USA, Australia, often do not know, the best security solution is represented by the armored doors produced in Italy and by armored windows that install a high-security European cylinder lock. The 4 strengths of a good security lock for your front door are: 1) single or double lock with anti-burglary device, a lever inside the block that clicks if the thieves tear the cylinder and all the throws lock in the closed position; 2) a protective shell also known as a defender which, if installed very recessed and with a magnetic protection, throws attempts to manipulate the lock by thieves; 3) The European profile cylinder which, if chosen of high quality and with dynamic and modular assembly, can be maintained and cleaned in order to last longer over the years. Remember that a security lock is not an expense, it is an investment; 4) An anti-shattering system that connects with the external protective shell and preserves the internal side of the lock so that if the thief tries to hit the cylinder he does not push it and ejects it inwards. Finally How Does Safe Lock Work in a few clear concepts The European cylinder lock type is a great device, the hardest lock to pick. The European cylinder type safety lock inserted in armored doors of Italian production wins hands down over any smart locks and electronic Keyless device and over any other deadbolt or deadlock. Einstein also said it, the laws of physics do not change, your opportunity to increase home security does. Gotta use a circular saw blade to break through a quality European cylinder security lock. Find out your real burglary rating of your home locks and call now Blindax safety locks for doors for aromoured front doors and garage up and over doors Reinforce a door with locksmith advices +39.344.1597391 Find out how to avoid theft in garage doors with overhead doors in this post. How much does it cost to change a lock to prevent break-ins Send photos of your lock on Whatsapp or Telegram at numbers +39.344.1597391 or +39.348.8151975 or for emali to (blindaxitalia@gmail.com) that we compare with our database, collected in 30 years of activity, to find out your real burglary security score. Foreign customers living in Italy If you live in Italy or have a second home in Italy, we will come to you to increase the security of your home and change your locks. We have served customers with the service of locksmith for lock changes in Venice, Jesolo, Caorle, Bibione, Padua, Treviso, Vicenza, Verona, Belluno, Cortina d’Ampezzo, Milan, Bologna, Trento and Bolzano.

Armored doors class 5

Prestigious high security 5 armored doors, bulletproof, from the manufacturer and directly from Italy. You can’t afford this to happen to you When you leave home unattended and you think: “So much it will be for a few days!” think about this scenario right away. It is a cold evening during the Christmas and New Year holidays where mum and daughter are already in the holiday location in the mountains and dad will join them in the late evening. The house has an armored door with more than 10-15 years, which has never been updated (no technician has ever remembered it) is locked with all the locks, cameras are installed in the house (but the intruder who wearing hood and mask will not be recognized), the house will remain uninhabited at least until Epiphany because the last minute decision is to extend the stay on vacation. Until your return …: the girl’s bike is no longer in the garage, the scooters are not there, the house is devastated … the locks work perfectly but there are no signs of forced entry … why did all this happen? I know you are a very responsible person and you don’t want headaches You cannot stop worrying about the health and safety of your family, guarding your material possessions and the memories of your parents, your grandparents. At the same time you also need secondary aspects to live peacefully and happily in society, you want to enjoy excellent health and peace of mind, cultivate relationships with people, be efficient and enterprising, create solid relationships both in the workplace and with friends who will undoubtedly respect you. One unexpected day the burglars intercepting vulnerable parts of your home, the neighborhood is absent, you are away for work or on vacation … and … at a certain point the serenity you had before fails, generating trauma and feelings of guilt in the family, also chain problems that expand to the circle of acquaintances. Only you who are a caring parent know how much your family, your safety, your peace of mind are worth. ▲  Be careful now, it will save you, your family and all your belongings. Prestigious armored doors, side doors, designer armored shutters in pure Italian style, maximum security, to protect your family, your home, your jewels from unwanted predators, these sturdy luxury doors will arrive directly at your home with excellent Italian craftsmanship. Single doors with bulletproof, arched, double-leaf glass, mineral PVC panels, thermal and acoustic insulation, patented floor threshold, Blindax® anti-burglary lock, from the manufacturer and directly from Italy. We also have customers around the world. For information and orders, please speak English or Italian. For now the quote will be sent to you in Italian and English. For informations call Erika +39.344.1597391 Home security systems that put armored doors and security shutters at the top before any electronic alarm system and video surveillance, safety first, Blindax.